This is getting more and more difficult to explain.
Imagine yourself as a ball of power. In this ball are all the infinite moments of your existence in this lifetime. Extending from that ball are connective links to all of the people, places, things, animals, etc. that you have encountered during this lifetime, and these lines connect to the balls of power which are those things, people, etc. Now, within this ball which is you are also all of your incarnations. This means that the concept of the ball as you, expands even further. Connected to this ball which is you and all of your incarnations is another ball, your Neshamah (it’s not actually connected as it is the ball, but trying to explain in words is not easy). Each person has a Neshamah connected to them, but the Higher Self or Soul is again split into three parts, the Neshamah, the Chiah and the Yehidah.
So now, expand your view from the You Ball up to your Neshamah and then take a group of people, let’s say a family, your family. All of the members of your family have their own ball of power containing all of their moments, experiences, etc. and incarnations of same. Each person has a Neshamah, and all of those Neshamah are connected by the Chiah. Expand that further to contain all the Chiah of a nation and you have another Chiah. Put them all together and you have the Yehidah which then unites all.
But now remember that the Neshamah is only part of the soul belonging to people. We also have the plants, animals and all of the other things of creation. Uniting all of this is God, the Primal Force, the Everything and No-Thing, the Universal Mind, The ALL.
And now that I explained this as best I can in the format of a network, remove the network and bring it all into one ball of power that is infinite, has no boundaries (and is therefore not actually a ball).