Saturday, December 31, 2011

History of palm reading

Palmistry is a unique art and culture that has prevailed throughout the years of the human civilization. There are different cultures that have contributed greatly towards the development of this art over the years. The art of judging and foretelling one's future on the basis of reading and the analysis of reading the palm is an old art. The roots of this art date back to India and the art of astrology is known as Jyotish in Sanskrit. There were many sages and astrologers who had evolved this art as culture and made it such a widely known way of predicting the future. There have been sayings that there are a lot of other cultures related to it as well; like the Chinese and that from Romans as well. There are many countries that have been involved in the slow and steady process of the development of the palmistry culture. These countries include Egypt, Tibet, China and Persia besides others. There have been many ways of estimation and there are a lot of things that palmistry can predict. There are a lot of things like life, marriage, money and study that are supposed to be predicted with the help of this art. There are so many things that can be predicted from the lines of the hand. There are different predictions for males and females. There are different predictions according to the left and the right hand. All in all it is something that one can learn with a lot of skill practice and knowledge. There is a constant need to understand from the works of the skilled few who have passed on this art from the generations. There are many mysteries that can be unraveled with the help of this complex art and one is sure to benefit with it for sure.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Post Abramelin

I completed the Abramelin Working almost a year ago and am only just now realizing where it has left me and taken me, it is not what I was expecting...although I am not complaining. After the Working was complete I spent some time with the seals, giving them a test run as it were. I became rather disillusioned with this process, and am now under the impression that the true seals are either lost, or were a bunch of fooey to begin with. The more I worked with them, the more I came to realise they were irrelevant. Of course many will disagree with me, and they have every right to as we all have different experiences and outcomes, but before I performed the Abramelin Working, I was already heading down the road of realising just how simple Magic really is. As I always said, and kept repeating, everything is energy. Magic, ritual, a spellworking, life itself, brushing your teeth in the morning, all of it is the manipulation of energy from the moment the thought enters your mind, to the realization of the desire to act, to movements that are created through those actions. So what does it all boil down to? Energy, and we don't even need to move to project and form a pattern of energy to cause and effect. But back to my post Abramelin discoveries. So, after some tampering with this, that and the other, now that I had a good connection with my HGA (not that I needed to go through the Abramelim to get to that point, but more in another post), I sat down one day and decided to make a proper plan with my life. At that point I was doing as many things to earn a living as I could think of. Architecture, web design, book publishing, authoring, artwork, you name it, if I had the skill to do it, I was doing it. This may sound like a good idea, but I discovered it wasn't as I was spreading myself so thin between them all, nothing was really getting off the ground. Therefore, I decided to take one discipline and focus solely on that. It worked. I focused on web design and specifically WordPress, and the work started rolling in. I was able to get us back on track. This did however leave me disconnected from everything else. My entire spiritual practice took a backseat as I built myself up, so the question came to mind, if I have just performed and completed the Abramelin Working, why am I not using anything I have learned? I realized the answer to that question a couple weeks back. As Magicians, Magick Workers, Witches, Pagans, whatever you may be, one essential part of being a success in this practice is to be a success in yourself and all other areas of your life. To become a successful Magician, you first need to start at your roots, beginning in the here and now, in Malkuth, this physical world. If this is a mess, then how do you think the rest of your Tree looks? Think about it, everything that is present in this physical reality is first created in Yesod, and then manifests in Malkuth, so if your life is a mess then that would mean that everything above, below and around is a mess because you have created that mess. So, where did my HGA take me first of all on the rollercoaster of realization and awakening? Into my life, my career, my family, and She forced me to create a neat weave in my own Orlog. I have become engrossed in Malkuth for the past six or so months, but now it is time for me to move into Yesod, and so my journey up the fulcrum begins once again as the pendulum swings a little less rapidly now again. It is for this reason that I am back, even though there are a lot of changes that have been made and will be made. Am I the same person? Most definitely not, I am new and improved.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

British Witchcraft Across the Ages

by Adrian Eglinton
Across the ages, the magical practices of The Traditional Craft or Traditional Witchcraft in Britain has been as important to the Traditional Witch as breathing air. Magic is seen as another aspect of the energy of Nature, an added dimension of spirituality. The traditional Craft is the historic witchcraft of old Britain and is not Wicca, which dates from the early 1950's. The Traditional Witch has always been highly spiritual. We view the concept of God, as the universal consciousness that is evident in the world that surrounds us. Indeed, it is a core belief that Nature is the the very same as God. Consequently, Nature is divine. Magic itself is nothing more than the use of the forces of Nature, forces of God, to change or modify our reality to suit the desired outcome intended by the Trad Witch. Thus, magic is, when directed correctly, a divine act, comparable to prayer, which fosters positive change within the individual, their family, community, and our MotherEarth. It is an intended force for change, of creative modification. It can be used for any of the following purposes: * For personal growth and transformation. * To protect oneself and family. * To improve their life and the lives of their family. * To heal the oneself and to heal others. * To aid in obtaining a intended goal. * To remove barriers and impediments. * To create an alternate beginning or new circumstances. The magical arts can be a meaningful force for good in our lives, if we are willing to learn how to use it properly. The events in life are never coincidence, this magical results are never coincidence. Magic is based on the belief that Nature unfolds in an orderly manner and its events can be known. With this information, one can modify or alter the energy surrounding these events in manner that may influence the outcome. Magic, to most people, seems rather incomprehensible, something weird andsupernatural. Nevertheless, magic is something very different. For, rather than being something beyond knowing, the magical arts are within the reality of Nature, and affects our lives with ramifications to both the spiritual and physical planes. The spellcraft of Traditional Magic is particularly effective because the Trad Witch has knowledge of techniques that endow magic. While these techniques are not commonly thought of as applicable to magic, they go back in use in British magic for over a thousand years, if not longer. The terms commonly used for these techniques today, "meditation" and "visualization," are certainly not the same terms used our history, but their names do not matter. The substance of what is taught does. Traditional Witches subscribe to an very old concept called the Law of Return, or the principle of Cause and Effect. This is also found in physics, it states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It is by this principle that every Traditional Witch knows full well that when an action is taken or they send a magical spell, the energy of that action or spell will eventually return to the sender in full force. Therefore, the wise are always careful in what they do. Traditional Magic can be a wonderful and potent force that can add to our quality of life, but only if it is used in a prudent manner.

About the Author

Adrian Eglinton is a writer, author, and began as a student of Traditional Witchcraft 30 years ago. He is dedicated to the spread of the natural and eternal truths of this old spiritual path and light the way for others. On his website you can read more abouttoday's witchcraft, and you can subscribe to a free 7-week Mini-Course on Traditional Magic.

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The Worlds Of the Shaman - An Exploration Of Reality

by Howard G. Charing "Reality is an Illusion, albeit a persistent one." Albert Einstein. Shamans for many thousands of years have pointing in the same direction as Quantum Physics. There is a greater reality outside our limited perception. This article explores the worlds of the shaman. Shamanism is not a system of belief or faith, it is a system of knowledge, and is directly experienced first hand by the senses. The world that Shamans work in is not a consensus reality, i.e. what we have agreed is reality. The Shaman sees i.e. experiences with all the senses. The Shaman is the mediator between the ordinary world and an alternate reality. Shamanism offers a way for people to wake up to their potential, and begin to explore their spiritual relationship to the universe, to other forms of life, and to each other. The experiences which come from shamanism help a person to evolve a deeper bond and respect for all of creation, and from this perspective one is more likely to lead a life that enhances life, with an emphasis on harmony and balance, and which encourages understanding and optimism. The Shamanic path is a path to experience this expanded view of universe. The origins of shamanism pre-date recorded civilisation and the earliest findings date back forty thousand years. The word Shaman originates from the Tungus people of Siberia, it means 'One who sees', and I would like to add to this as someone 'who sees with the heart'. This brings us to one of the most important characteristics of shamans, that they are masters of energy and of the life-force which moves through the human body and all of creation. They know that there is energy normally invisible which connects all that exists, and they live with the knowledge of this energy and how to use it. This concept of the inter-relationship and understanding that man is a part of nature, not separate to it, a part of the connecting energy has been expressed in many ways and over many cultures, unfortunately not in ours. As Chief Seattle said in 1855 in his address to the American Congress; "What befalls the Earth befalls all the sons of the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself." As the Siberian shamans say; "Everything that is, is alive." One of the other important characteristics of a shaman is that a man or woman who journeys into other realities to obtain hidden knowledge and wisdom on behalf of others i.e. in service to the community. Shamans are masters of altered states of consciousness in which the normal rules of Newtonian three-dimensional existence are broken, and in which travel to other worlds, pre-cognition, distant seeing are all possible. To put another way, the shaman travels outside of time. Today shamanism survives on all inhabited continents in less 'developed' regions in spite of the constant pressure of Western materialism, and the treatment of the Earth and nature as something to be dominated and exploited. Shamanism is a practice shared by peoples the world over with an underlying cosmology that cuts across cultural differences and customs. There is a common core, and when allowance is made for climatic, cultural, and geographical considerations there is a common experience. To illustrate this, a shaman from the frozen tundra's of Siberia may not be familiar with the symbols of a shaman from the rainforests of South America, but he or she would certainly recognise the methods and techniques that are being used. Contemporary shamanism is a path, a way, that we ourselves can be aware that we are a part, a strand in the web of life, and not outside of it. This path can lead us to experience in a practical way the nature of reality, and exceed our perception of the limits of reality. Shamanism is currently enjoying a revival in the West, one of the factors in this is the re-discovery of health techniques that actively recognise and use the mind and spirit of the individual to help healing and maintain wellness. Many of these methods and the knowledge underlying these are known in ancient shamanic practices which have migrated in to Western society. Increasing numbers of people are seeking and finding solutions to their health problems, whether defined as physical, mental, or emotional. Many shamanic principles are widely used in holistic healing centres and practices. Another factor in the 'revival' of shamanism is that we ourselves as individuals can experience the inter-connectivity, the intricate web of life that unifies all things. Shamanism provides tools and techniques to help you become your own spiritual authority. By journeying to the other realities, extending the perception of perceived reality, individuals can start to see, feel, or sense the one-ness of all things. These new insights and understandings come from within you, and from the teachers and counsellors in these other realities. This is an experiential process, and this means that you know for yourself that these experiences are valid. This is the meaning of a spiritual democracy. This expanded vision of life, can touch our heart, adding power to our walk in life, and we can move into a harmony and balance with nature, the Earth, and all living things. This not only changes our life perspective, but can also have a beneficial influence on all others, the community around us, which these days (whether we like it or not) is a global one. The shamanic path is a way to transformation, a personal, and subjective experience to an expanded awareness of this great mystery we call life. Much of our universe which is hidden can be explored, a universe which is known mainly through myth and dream.

About the Author

Howard G. Charing, is an accomplished international workshop leader on shamanism. He has worked some of the most respected and extraordinary shamans & healers in the Andes, the Amazon Rainforest, and the Philippines. He organises specialist retreats to the Amazon Rainforest at the dedicated centre located in the Mishana nature reserve. He is the author of the best selling book, Plant Spirit Shamanism (Destiny Books USA). His website:

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