Well, I have been half deaf for the past week, my left ear is completely blocked and nothing is helping. I actually thought that it would be good for my meditations and practice seeing that I can’t hear everything on the outside, but it has actually been worse. I can hear myself swallow, and it is loud, can hear my breaths which isn’t such a bad thing, except that there is a constant ringing in my ear and external noises are difficult to distinguish and figure out where they are coming from, so it actually causes my attention to be more focused on them. So much for that idea then, now I just need to get my hearing back.
So what has been happening? Well, I finished the Meditation and Breath DVD Workshop, finally. Most of the practical part I had to redo numerous times because whilst taking the viewer through the practices and exercises I didn’t notice the noises in the background. I would then put them down for editing and then notice all the annoying sounds. But it is there and done now. Selling it R125, and if you would like to get a copy, just email me at mabonis@gmail.com
I also created a podcast which I put up this morning. Need to add it to Podcast Alley, but will do that tomorrow. The first podcast is about the DVD, covering some of the theory that can be found in there (but the DVD is much better by the way). Of course I can’t do the exercises in the podcast, but the basic theory is down. The next podcast I will do is about the Christos Technique, a method of putting someone into a dream state which I learned when I was in my early teens, but have found very few people over the years who have heard of it. Funny enough I found out recently that it is actually a Kabbalistic method of Pathworking.
Apart from that, and as I mentioned there hasn’t been much actual practice done because of my damn ear, I have been sorting out the Used Book section on one of my sites. Two dreams I have had whilst growing up, to become an author and to own a Used Book Store, so now to work on the second dream, although I won’t neglect the first, I have way too much to write.
I had Class with my students today, we tried our hand at crystal ball gazing, but unfortunately the room had too many things in which caused way too many reflections so the results were not so good. Everyone did ask why their eyes were getting so hot and watering though. We then spoke a lot about Sacred Plants, always an interesting topic.
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