Monday, March 29, 2010

The New Site

Well I have been working on the new Hobthrust Lodge Magick School site and it is now operational at

I have gotten some plants to do my experiment with, so will start posting some pics of them and see how it goes.

I am also thinking of posting the chapters to the Druidic Ritual Practice book I started writing in January. Was going to publish it but after I covered the theory I came to the problem that trying to give a ritual format for a Druidic festival for instance is not possible on a broad perspective. It is not like Ceremonial Magick where you have a set design and ritual outline, the Celts were very community and family based. So when it came to celebration and festivals, there was more symbolic game playing and storytelling than an actual design of ritual creation. Ergo, the book is a no go and so I will give the info I gathered. I will post them on the HLMS site though, so have a look for them if you are interested.

Keeping in line with Druid Lore, I read this book many years back and rather enjoyed it

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