Saturday, August 7, 2010

Internet and Oils

I have been experiencing severe internet problems and still fighting with iBurst. Hope to get it all resolved VERY soon, but it does mean I am having difficulty updating sites and adding articles. Fortunately, I can email blog updates, so will be sticking to this for a while.
I have some new hoodoo oils ready. You can find out more on the Red Mojo Facebook Page or website if you like (the FB Page is probably the best place to go at the moment though). Click on one of the banners above. These oils include:
Oil of Abramelin
Fiery Wall of Protection
Love Drawing
Pay Me Now
and Revenge
If you would like me to perform the candle lighting or spell work for you (as you may not be in a situation where you can do it yourself), then please let me know and we will discuss your particular circumstance. You can email on or

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