Monday, September 20, 2010

Changes to HLMS

A lot of changes have been made at The Hobthrust Lodge Magick School, and I thought I should let everyone know. First of all, all the lessons and courses are now free, and I am hoping to keep it that way, depending on the response I get and the traffic that goes through the site.
Secondly, I have included a Chat facility, a Yahoo Group, and my favourite being the HLMS Community which is a social networking site (but seriously needs some members and activity, especially seeing that it was only launched today...please, I'm feeling lonely).
Now, just to make things clear about how the HLMS courses function. There are no exams, projects or certificates. The material you will find on the site is for personal spiritual development, soul alchemy and to perfect your Arts as a Magician or Witch. You are responsible for your own progress and the development you want to attain, and therefore there is nobody who can test you, but you, and there is no peice of paper that will qualify you to become Enlightened.
Each course opens into a new window so you don't have to leave the main site, and each lesson or chapter is presented as a web page. I will be creating a paperback version of each course for those who would like to sit down with a book in their hands, but everything is available through the site.
So, take a look and have fun -
Best Wishes,
Lee 'Red Oak' Johnson

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