Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Time to come out of hiding

I have been on a very long hiatus, a few years actually. I had some difficulties and things I needed to take care of, and so I removed myself from the community all together, and from magick in general. Actually I have been trying to come back to a steady practice but the energies have been a bit haywire. Now however, things seem to be flowing a little better and my head is creative again. Chaos is fantastic, when it is not being forced into some semblance of order that it can't or won't fit into. We do need to go with the flow sometimes, often in fact, and trying to control every little aspect of our lives just finds ourselves beating our heads against very solid brick walls.

So....this is my announcement, I am back and I have a journey to continue with. I hope you will join me on this adventure. For now, at least, I will be relooking at Chaos Magick mostly as it seems to be what is drawing my attention the most. There will probably be some undercurrents and injections of Hoodoo, Traditional Witchcraft and Kabbalah here and there, but Chaos Magick will be the main focus.

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