Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's been happening in these 'ere parts

I have to say, I've been busy. So, here's a run down.

You probably know about the Magick School already, that's still running and the lessons are growing. I also made the lessons available to be purchased individually instead of forcing people to pay a monthly membership -

The Web Hosting site is going well, its a tough market out there so it has been growing slowly, but if you need web hosting in South Africa, give us a shout. Oh, I am also putting together a deal with a Webmaster with 50% off all hosting packages, so if you are a Webmaster and want hosting for your clients, we can do the same for you -

Then there is revival of Red Path Publications, which, although still active, has changed to Red Path Media. My original intention with this was to provide affordable book publishing in South Africa, so I am now focusing on Self Publishing, but if you want to publish under RPP, you can still do so -

I also have an online community for the Pagan people going -

A free article submission directory for Esoteric material -

And the latest (my personal favourite) an online used esoteric book store -

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